Wednesday, December 31, 2008

hopes for new Year

new year 2209 will be a fruitfull year for all of us. I hope that 2209 will give us happyness and joys.everyone will be happy in this new year and our Ratlam will get new dimension of developements.

New Year 2009

today is last day of year 2008.coming new year 2209 should be good for everyone. year 2208 was not very nice for all of us.these year has give us many problems which will affect our future.We entered in new indipendent era. our both political parties are facing serious organisational problems.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Problem of development

Traditional Entertainment

BJP Groupism

sometime ago BJP was a caderbess party but now it's facing serious groupism prbblem. there are two groups in Ratlam BJP.One is lead by former home minister Himmat Kotari and the other lead by siniour corporater Kanheyalal mourya and mayor Asha mourya. after the result of election the fight bitween groups is gatiing high speed. Himmat kothari aliged to Moury for deffit.his aligation is that mourya group is worked against the party candidate Himmat kothari and that is resulted in party's shameful difeet. other side the mourya group held a meeting and aliged that kothari's dictetorship was the reason of party's failuar. both groups wanted that compititor must expelled from party. futur of BJP is very dark in Ratlam. now the hope is only that high command of party will take firm acton against the insiciplind workers and punish them.only by that way BJP would be survive in city.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bhati Sir now OK

respected Bhati Sir once again got victry aganst he becomes OK. Now he is taking rest in civil Hospitol under medical observation.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

about me

I'm starting my new blog for letest news & views for everyone. my thinking is that everybudy having right to know truth. biggest sourse of news are news papers and TV chanels but some news papers and TV chanels are misleads with facts.they are trying to temporing with truth.This blog will fight with them.

श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलास यात्रा-10/ जहा गुजारी पहली रात वही आखरी रात भी

 (प्रारम्भ से पढ़ने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करें ) 21 जुलाई 2024 रविवार (रात 11.45) प्रिन्स गेस्ट हाउस सवाई माधोपुर (राज.) इस वक्त हम उसी होटल में ...