Wednesday, January 28, 2009

LI to TEN accused

First additional district judge of Ratlam JS Saluja has ordered life imprisionment to 10 accused of Alot today inclueded one bjp corporetor in a case of brutly murder of a youth named Sanjay Meena.The incident occured some nine month ago.Prosicution said that BJP corporetor Sanju alais Sanjay meena and nine other accused assembled at 20.4.2007 midnight.They went to Meena colony Alot and sumoned victim Mukesh Bairagi 24.Accused had attacked on victime by sharp vappons like sword and knife.they brutely kiiled Mukesh and after murder they rushed to railay line with deadbody. Accused had wanted disappear the evidence of murder.they had throne the deadbody on railway line. Alot Police investigated the case and arrested all 10 accused. some seven month long trial , Judge found guilty all 10 accused for murder and other offences. 1st addl.distt.judge of Ratlam JS Saluja ordered life imprisionment and other punishment for all 10 acused.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Unsuccess of Ratlam Police

After the incident of murder and loot,Ratlam police could'nt got any clue about criminals.some time ago there was one more crime has occured that called theft of Sidharth jwellers.till today Police could'nt arrest the thief of sidhath jwellers.

loot & murder of a goldsmith

The city of gold Ratlam is again under threat of crime.Some three unidentified criminals were atteced and murdered one goldsmith named Satyanarayan Soni. about 8 kg gold and 5 kg silver arnaments were looted in isident.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Republic Day Of INDIA

Hallo Everybudy

Happy republic Day.We'll celibreat 60th republicday on 26 jan09 but our prime minister will not be there.It will be first time that PM of India will not attend the ceremony of Republic Day.The Question is that Why we elect old age leaders to lead our country. A person who cross 60 years of his age even can't be a clerk or teacher but he can be a minister.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Baba mourya in Ratlam

international fame artist Baba Satyanarayan Mourya will perform his poitic skill in Ratlam on 10 jan.Programe will arreng by Bharat Bhakti Sansthan Ratlam at 7.30 o'clock at law college Sabhagrih. Baba Mourya is a multy dimensionl artist.He is a great painter,singer,musician and a good oretor also. he had performed in vairios countries in world like USA,West Indis Zimbabway etc.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

बेचारे neta

मुंबई हमले के बाद से लगातार हमारे नेताओ की बेचारगी दिखाई दे रही है.महीने डेढ़ महीने की कड़ी बयानबाजी के बाद अब हमारे नेता दुनियाभर मैं सबूत लेकर घूम रहे है की देखिये पाकिस्तान क्या कर रहा है। दुनिया के देश यह देख देख कर सांत्वना दे रहे है लेकिन कोई पाकिस्तान को ये नहीं कह रहा है की वो अपनी हरकते बंद करे.हमारे नेताओ मैं भी हिम्मत नहीं है की सचमुच में कड़ी कार्रवाई करे या कम से कम पाक अधिकृत कश्मीर पर हमला ही कर दे.वे बस यही करते रहेंगे और दुनिया में भारत की कमजोरी को दर्शाते रहेंगे.


new technologi for govt.offices

Sunday, January 4, 2009

yudha hoga ya nahi

aaj phir PM ne Pak ko kadi chetavani di।mere ek mitra ne puchcha ki kya ab yudh hoga.maine kaha ki hum keval kade bayaan de sakte hai karvaai nahi kar sakte.Uske liye jigar chahiye.hum Bapu ke des ke log hai.keval ahinsa ko jaante hai.chahe hamare kitne hi log maar diye jaye hum keval kade bayan hi denge.

Friday, January 2, 2009

dr.Upadhyay passes away

well known ayurvedacharya Dr.Ramesh chandra Upadhyay passes away today early morning in civil hospital.he was 79 year old retired depty director of govt.ayurvedic chikitsa dept. he was suffering from brain hamrage from last five days. last suterday he was allright but at sunday he atteced by brain hamrage. he was a foren return Ayurvedacharya.he went to Hollend for resurch on Ayurved.he storngly bilived in Ayurved and never taken any allopathy medicin in his life. So many person were impressed by his Ayurvedic treatment. many cronic paishents have got great relif under his treatment. his absent is a great loss for Ayurveda.

श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलास यात्रा-10/ जहा गुजारी पहली रात वही आखरी रात भी

 (प्रारम्भ से पढ़ने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करें ) 21 जुलाई 2024 रविवार (रात 11.45) प्रिन्स गेस्ट हाउस सवाई माधोपुर (राज.) इस वक्त हम उसी होटल में ...