Tuesday, March 10, 2009

तिलक होली-परम्परा को नष्ट करने की कोशिश

इन दिनों एक समाचार पत्र द्वारा पानी बचाने के नाम पर होली नही खेलने और तिलक होली मनाने का अभियान चलाया जा रहा है। अख़बारों मे नाम छपाने को आतुर रहने वाले तथाकथित बुद्धिजीवी इस मे जोर शोर से शामिल हो रहे है.जरा उनसे पूछिये कि पुरे साल भर उन्हें पानी बचाने कि चिंता क्यो नही होती.एक अदभुत पर्व को पानी बचाने के नाम पर नष्ट करने का औचित्य क्या है। ऐसा अद्भुत पर्व जिस दिन लोग अपनी मान मर्यादा भूलकर,सारे भेदभाव भूलकर रंगों कि तरंगो में खो जाते है और अपनी सारी कुंठाए भूल जाते है उसे आधुनिकता के नाम पर मिटाने कि कोशिश और इसकी आड़ में विज्ञापन झटकने का खेल। वाह रे जल कि चिंता,कभी तालाबो बावडियो कुओ के लिए तो अभियान नही चलाया.एक दिन थोड़ा सा पानी बचाने के लिए सदियों पुराने रंग बिरंगे त्यौहार को ख़त्म करने का प्रयास क्या उचित है.पानी बचाने के लिए साल भर अभियान चलाना होगा और हर रोज पानी बचाना होगा। अपने तालाबो बावडियो और कुओ कि चिंता करना होगी होली बिगाड़ कर पानी नही बचेगा.तो आइये जोर शोर से होली खेले। सभी को होली कि शुभकामनये

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tilak Holi-Stupidity of year

This year we are looking the biggest stupidity Tilak Holi. Tilak Holi is a campaign of Dainik Bhaskar. Some so called intellectuals also supporting it. No doubt saving of water is a necessity of the present age but it dose not mean that leave the bathing or cleaning or drinking water.
Holi is an incomparable festival of India. It is a festival of informality and total enjoyment. Holi is a day when anybody can free from his complexes and depressions. Holi is having no rules and regulations. You can do every thing what you want. You can abuse to any body and shout, as you like. If you would try to regularize Holi then Holi would not be Holi. Any attempt of formality in holi is completely foolishness. Even though some persons and organizations trying for that and so called Tilak Holi is also an example of it.
As for as concern of Tilak Holi, it is a marketing funda only and no serious thinking of saving water is behind it. Marketing managers has planned it for only revenue gain. Saving of water is not important subject for them. If it was important than the campaign have been ran whole year not only for one day. So called intellectuals of our city also following the campaign for only publicity in newspaper. Many of them would look playing Holi with wet colors.
So that don’t disturb the festival on the name of intellectuality. Holi is not for so called intellectuals its only for open hearted person who can smile and enjoy the life. We have so many ways to save water and we can save the water but not on the prize of Holi. So come and enjoy The Holi with colors because colors are the symbol of life. Colorful life is right of everyone.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Doctors creates history

It was the historical moment for Ratlam civil hospital that doctors have got the success in very complicated operation of Shantilal Ninama who had badly injured in road accident and one eight feet long and 4 inch wide iron angle entered throw and throw by his stomach. The accident had happened Saturday night at near village Bibrod 6 km far from hear. Shantilal has seated in mini bus behind the driver. Iron angle hit him like an arrow and it entered in his stomach. Iron angle has crossed his stomach and cut his backside.
Removing the iron angle from his body was a big challenge for doctors. Ratlam civil hospital is not having the necessary equipments for any complicated surgery. In spite of that surgery specialist Dr. Pushpendra Sharma, anesthesia expert Dr.Mahesh Mourya and bone specialist Dr.CS Roy has accepted the challenge and they have ready to start the operation. In charge collector Dr.Sanjay Goyal has given them morel support and he has directed for the operation in civil hospital’s operation theater.
When the decision of operation had taken by three doctors, some other doctors also agreed to support in operation. Many media person were present there for giving the support to doctors. Finely doctors started the operation, some important equipments brings from some privet nursing homes. The hard working of about three hours pleasure has come. Doctors declared that Shantilal is now out of danger. The roll of media was very nice in the incident. The reporter of Chetna TV Bunty (Yash) Sharma has played very important roll to save Shantilal’s life. He was the person who brings Shantilal to hospital very carefully and continuously given him moral support. Today every one is praising to Bunty for his service. It was a historical moment for city. It was a big news for all news channels and news papers. After incident it has proved that doctors of Ratlam is capable to do everything but they wants only moral support and required equipments.

श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलास यात्रा-10/ जहा गुजारी पहली रात वही आखरी रात भी

 (प्रारम्भ से पढ़ने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करें ) 21 जुलाई 2024 रविवार (रात 11.45) प्रिन्स गेस्ट हाउस सवाई माधोपुर (राज.) इस वक्त हम उसी होटल में ...