Thursday, January 28, 2010

republic day- a day for thinking about nation

This year we've celibrated our 61 th republic day before two days. today i'm writing on republic day. 60 year ago,in year of 1950 we have created our constituion and our leaders of that time like Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru and other congress leaders wrote INDIA THAT IS BHARAT. The biggest Question of last six decades is that where is Bharat. We becomes indian but nobudy wants to be Bharatiy. We are a Nation who has'nt our National language till today. we could'nt made our national language in sixty years. Gujrat High court commented some day before that hindi is not national language. We have only a language which we have got from our old ruler that we called british. Our supreem court works in English not in any Bharatiy language. Even i'm writing my blog also in English. Only language is not sublect there are so many things that we have not achived yet. We are devided in casts,states and in languages also.late have a look on Maharashtra's insidentes.We hav'nt national pride yet.We feel pruod in following weston culter.whenever we celibrats any birthaday we are happy in cake cutting but we dont like any Puja Or yagya which are our culter.

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श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलास यात्रा-10/ जहा गुजारी पहली रात वही आखरी रात भी

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