Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mahi Project

After a long piriod I'm again starting on blog. due to various reasions I could'nt rais any new issue on my blog. Preently the issue before the citizens are Mahi River. Some Ratlami has started the movement for Mahi brings to Ratlam.No doubt that Ratlam facing serious water crysis and it is nessasarry for city that any water based project should start immidiatly. The idea of Mahi maybe good but very first it should be clear that weather Mahi project fisible or not. technical data can be good supporter of Mahi Movement.

1 comment:

  1. Resp. Sir,
    Aapne Jo mahi ke liye lika hai vo padhane me accha laga magar is project me jo committe bani hai jishme u mishra, s sharma, p gogaliya, S varma jaise logo ko liya gya hai. unhe deke kar nahi lagta ki vo mahi ke liye kuch kar sakete hai. vo to free tour ka anand lene ke liye hai. but mahi ke liye aap ke KALAM ko roke hani.


श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलास यात्रा-10/ जहा गुजारी पहली रात वही आखरी रात भी

 (प्रारम्भ से पढ़ने के लिए यंहा क्लिक करें ) 21 जुलाई 2024 रविवार (रात 11.45) प्रिन्स गेस्ट हाउस सवाई माधोपुर (राज.) इस वक्त हम उसी होटल में ...